Clinical Applications
When a surgeon requests an intraoperative consultation, you must be ready. Cryostats by Leica Biosystems help you meet requests for immediate results by quickly, reliably and safely cutting accurate frozen sections.
Leica CM1950
Most popular cryostat for clinical applications combining large capacity with user safety.
Leica CM1860 UV
Cryostat for routine histopathology applications with UVC for increased user safety.
Leica CM3600 XP
Fully computerized cryomacrotome for whole‐body sectioning of small animals.
Create a complete solution with matching consumables
Select from a range of blades, embedding media and slides. Order now at our online shop.
Educational Resources
The Art of Frozen Tissue Sectioning
This article describes a system for embedding of tissues for the preparation of frozen sections. The system is easy to learn and offers many advantages over conventional methods, including speed, high precision and predictability, and reduced tissue wastage.
Freezing Biological Samples
Neuroscience researchers usually need to see slices of whole brain in order to determine the location in brain of detail they are viewing under the microscope.
Processing Fatty Specimens
One of the most critical steps in histology is fixation, especially when it comes to fatty tissue.