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Case Studies

El número de anatomopatólogos en ejercicio está cayendo a nivel mundial, y los departamentos de patología necesitan encontrar nuevas formas de hacer más con menos.

La patología digital puede ofrecer agilidad a los departamentos de Anatomía patológica comprometidos con mejorar la eficiencia y los altos niveles de calidad, al tiempo que se responde rápidamente a la creciente presión de los servicios de patología a petición.

In partnership with the National Consortium of Breast Centers (NCBC), Leica Biosystems’ Process & Solution Optimization team worked with several hospitals with the goal to improve the quality and efficiencies of their breast programs. Through this work, the team identified common barriers and improvement opportunities.

Leica Biosystems working in partnership with Southern Ohio Medical Center (SOMC), conducted process assessments to analyze the timeliness treatment for breast cancer patients. We identified a lack of standardized processes for conduction of imaging services and elongated time to diagnosis. The Breast Imaging and Reporting Data System (BI-RADs) is the standardized method to record findings on imaging studies.

The Leica Biosystems Process and Solutions Optimization team has partnered with Queen Elizabeth Hospital to examine how to optimize their processes to reduce turn-around-time. QEH is most interested in having slides assigned to their Pathologists earlier in the day. The Process and Solutions Optimization team identified a few changes to help recognize and monitor their goals.

Anatomic pathology has historically relied on manual systems of tracking and data collection. While many laboratory information systems (LIS) provide rudimentary data on cases, tissue blocks and slides, they fail to report data in such a way as to be useful in real-time decision-making.

Southern Ohio Medical Center (SOMC) is a community hospital in Portsmouth, Ohio. Review of data pertaining to breast care delivery demonstrated opportunities for improvement. Analysis of the cadence of care processes across departments demonstrated delays in care and outmigration potential. One quality study demonstrated 10% of patients did NOT select SOMC for surgical intervention post biopsy.

El equipo de optimización de procesos y soluciones de Leica Biosystems se asoció con un gran centro médico académico para examinar la mejor manera de utilizar los equipos en su laboratorio de patología para ganar eficiencia y ahorrar dinero. Este hospital está muy interesado en el impacto que el equipamiento puede tener en la reducción del tiempo de respuesta y en el ahorro económico en el laboratorio de histología rutinario. Mediante la evaluación comparativa de las prácticas actuales y la realización de un análisis de capacidad, el equipo de optimización de procesos y soluciones puede cuantificar los indicadores clave de rendimiento (KPI) que contribuyen a la eficiencia operativa del laboratorio y presentar una solución que satisfaga sus objetivos.

The Leica Biosystems Content and Evidence team has partnered with a private, non-profit, integrated health system to optimize their new laboratory layout to ensure efficient process flow. The laboratory is most interested in ensuring their new laboratory space is structured to best handle the initial volume while allowing for increased growth over the coming years. The new histology laboratory will include routine, special, and immunohistochemistry staining.