Validation of Digital Pathology and Guidance Towards Working from Home during COVID-19

Despite the challenges of COVID-19, Pathologists continue to stay engaged and supported using Digital Pathology. During this session, Dr. Bethany Williams explains how Pathologists were able to stay connected by screen sharing pathology images for virtual MDT/tumor board meetings, virtual training, and conferences, allowing more Pathologists to share experiences with a wider and more diverse audience. Dr. Williams also provides guidance and considerations required for Pathologists when working from home during COVID-19.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the steps required for implementing remote reporting of digital slides
- Learn more about the considerations required for laboratory and case/scope when remote reporting
- Discover more about Digital Pathology validation and training
About the presenter

Dr. Bethany Williams is a Specialty Doctor at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and the University of Leeds, and the Lead for Training, Validation and PPI at the National Pathology Imaging Co-Operative in the United Kingdom. She has published extensively in the fields of digital pathology patient safety, evidence based digital pathology training and validation and effective digital deployment. Her body of research earned her the Pathological Society’s medal for research impact, and she is regularly invited to speak at international conferences as an authority on the digital pathology evidence base, practical deployment and patient safety.
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