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Drug development is a timely and costly process, with the average cost of bringing a single new drug to market costing $1.3 billion, taking anywhere between 10-15 years to finalize complete all clinical trials. Preclinical studies are the vital first steps in research and development and is estimated to cost $7M over 73 months. Up to 35% of drugs are eliminated at phase I and II clinical trials due to toxicity.

Following our 2-part webinar series of Tips & Tricks to Better Histology, questions about histology-related issues were received from customers and answered by Leica Biosystems. Here, in Histology Tips & Tricks: Questions and Answers, Part 2, more questions are answered, specifically regarding decalcifying agents, and tissue section bubbling/cracking.

Multiplexing is an important tool for simultaneous detection of multiple markers within a single tissue section. These educational infographics highlight the 5 key reasons to multiplex, as well as the main considerations for choosing chromogenic or immunofluorescent detection.

Immunohistochemistry (IHC) detects proteins of interest within whole tissue sections, keeping cellular organization intact.

Leica biosystems BOND RX stainer can aid biomarker and drug discovery by offering fast, customized, consistent, fluorescent or chromogenic multiplex IHC and ISH on your research samples. The result? Freeing up your time to innovate, investigate and discover!

The first virtual event of the year recaptured the conference atmosphere at the Multiplex User Meeting. With Leica Biosystems total multiplex solutions and trusted partners, advances in multiplex IHC were innovatively showcased to customers via live presentations, on-demand webinars, virtual exhibition hall, networking room and, virtual lab tour!

Digital pathology is quickly growing across the globe as it offers increasing benefits to standardize and optimize the pathology lab workflow. Pathologists can now retrieve their cases in digital form and review and sign off cases using a PC and monitor. However, digital pathology companies offer many different monitors, depending on the company. Pathologists are often frustrated by the color variation of a digital image as it may not match the microscope color experience They often prefer a color that looks as close as possible to the typical experience using a microscope. 

Digital pathology is a growing field, with multiple vendors offering a variety of hardware and software for different applications. With many options available for digital pathology scanners, viewing software, and both consumer and medical review monitors, users need the ability to adapt to variations in image appearance.

Following our two-part webinar series of Tips & Tricks to Better Histology, further questions were raised by customers referring to specific issues encountered during histology/staining practice. Some of these questions are answered here to help combat issues experienced in the laboratory.