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Pathologist Pathway

Kuratierte Inhalte von Pathologen für Pathologen. Lernen Sie von den Wegbereitern der Branche und informieren Sie sich über aktuelle Trends in der Pathologie.

In recent years, digital pathology has gone from an intriguing idea to an integral part of how academic and commercial labs operate. Join Leica Biosystems and Procia Digital Pathology as they discuss why institutions are going digital today and how they...

  • Cecilia Yeung ,
    Pathologist – Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, Assistant Professor – University of Washington, Dept. of Pathology

In this session, we will briefly review the basics of molecular biology, examine critical factors which affect the quality of nucleic acids in the tissues and cells which are submitted for downstream molecular diagnostics, and briefly introduce some...

This presentation will review the challenges of creating a system to assess the quality and consistency of diagnoses produced by individual pathologists and discuss setting goals to improve the processes in anatomic pathology for enhanced patient safety. All...

The content of this webinar will encompass detailed technical descriptions of novel and state of the art methods to decalcify tissue samples that will be embedded in paraffin or for frozen sectioning for molecular and nucleic acid analysis for basic research...

The potential for non-invasive tests that provide equivalent research and diagnostic value as can be obtained from tissue biopsies is real, but not yet realized. Tissue biopsies allow for identification, phenotyping and molecular analysis of cancer and...

Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are the etiologic agents for a significant fraction of many cancers in humans. Our understanding of the pathogenesis of these tumors has led to almost continuous refinement in our approach to managing patients at risk for these...

Cytogenetics is a branch of genetics associated with the study of the structure and function of the cell, especially the chromosomes. It includes routine analysis of G-banded chromosomes, other cytogenetic banding techniques, as well as molecular cytogenetics...

This presentation will highlight the use of tumor markers in serum chemistry, and their relationship to the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with malignant disease.

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