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Pathologist Pathway

Curated content by pathologists for pathologists. Learn from global thought leaders about the latest industry trends affecting the pathology community.

There is a new community called Digital Pathology Connections (DPC) that is quickly becoming pathology’s modern-day water cooler. DPC is a virtual global community by pathologists for pathologists to provide a hub for educational content and discussion of timely topics.

Join three global pathologists as they share their insights on accelerating the adoption of emerging technologies in pathology.

Pathology is among the last departments in the hospital that are not yet digitized. Given pathology’s contributions across healthcare, the full effect of information systems on healthcare will not be fully realized until the specialty transitions to digital.

Learn from the leaders of the DPA, ESDIP and JSDP as they share their expertise on why now is the time to support a digital transformation in pathology.

The widespread use of digital images enables new opportunities for AI driven research, allowing for the possibility of new discoveries and automation of routine diagnostic tasks. What are the ethical consequences of these changes?

Curious about what the future holds? Listen to our global panel of expert pathologists and learn more about AI, digital pathology, and how future innovations may lead the way.

Thinking about starting your digital journey? Watch this panel discussion and learn from leaders of the digital pathology associations in Europe (ESDIP), United States (DPA) and Japan (JSDP) on the future of pathology.

Digital imaging in medicine has come a long way with numerous technology advances and global adoption in many clinical care settings. Digital imaging in Anatomic Pathology has also advanced significantly but remains among the last of the medical fields to undergo a complete digital transformation.

To bring digital into daily practice we need rigor and transparency as to how we recoup the investment in digital pathology, and this requires defining ROI with confidence and specificity.

An integrated digital pathology ecosystem is only possible to maintain in the long term when international interoperability standards are followed. It must be envisioned as a global strategy comprising not only imaging data.

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