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Pathologist Pathway

Curated content by pathologists for pathologists. Learn from global thought leaders about the latest industry trends affecting the pathology community.

The augmented pathologist works synergistically with AI, has no fear of being substituted and has the pride of being part of an empowered generation that envisions better care for our patients.

Current technology allows tumors to be painted with multiple colors, termed multiplex staining. Multiplex staining today used in research, may also assist with cancer diagnoses clinically via: preservation of tissue, improved diagnostic accuracy, and enhanced diagnostic insight.

Molecular pathology has the potential to create health service efficiencies and improve outcomes for cancer patients, we just have to imagine a world in which molecular pathology & personalised medicine is the norm – then create it, says Dr. Matthew Clarke.

Cancer patients have many questions and pathologists have a unique opportunity to help empower them with knowledge online and on social media, says Dr. Jerad Gardner.

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