William N. DeSalvo III
William N. DeSalvo III has 40+ years of experience in the Anatomic Pathology field, 36 years as a Registered Histotechnologist (HTL) by the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP), 11 years as a Clinical Histology Laboratory consultant and 12 years as a Product/Marketing Manager. He earned a degree in Biology/Chemistry from Southeast Missouri State University, received training in Six Sigma and LEAN methodologies for process improvement, an active practitioner of continuous process improvement, process improvement consultant and has developed a Quality Management System for the Histology and Anatomic Pathology laboratories. For the past 15 years, he has provided educational presentations and published multiple articles on process improvement, standardization and automation in the Histology laboratory to organizations and laboratories located in the USA, Canada, Europe, Japan, South Africa and Russia. He is currently working as an Anatomic Pathology System Manager, Consultant, Editorial Staff Member (Clinical Laboratory Products), Clinical Coordinator and Adjunct Faculty for the Applied Sciences Histotechnology Program for Phoenix College and has previously volunteered as an Executive Board Member and Membership Committee Chair (Digital Pathology Association).