Optimizing Anatomical Pathology Through Implementation of Specimen Tracking
The Leica Biosystems Process and Solutions Optimization team has partnered with a major academic medical center to examine ways to further optimize their anatomic pathology lab and equipment. This laboratory was primarily interested in the impact that specimen tracking can have on increasing efficiency and patient safety.
The Leica Biosystems team presented a total solution that included BOND–III Fully Automated IHC and ISH Stainer, HistoCore PELORIS 3 Premium Tissue Processing System and CEREBRO Specimen Tracking System. The solution was designed to help them achieve their goals of patient safety and efficiency, while becoming a leader in anatomic pathology through technology and process improvement.

As part of comprehensive workflow assessment, the team gathered the data displayed in the table. By analyzing the data, we can demonstrate the following potential impacts:
- Elimination of 6 paper logs
- Elimination of 12 total steps in the process
- A time savings of approximately 1040 hours/year
- 28% increase in blocks per hour (61 without specimen tracking to 78.3 with specimen tracking).
By eliminating these tasks, this laboratory can continue to improve on their goal of becoming a technological leader in anatomic pathology, while reducing risk, improving quality, integrating solutions, and optimizing efficiency using the CEREBRO specimen tracking solution.
Projections and Realized Results are specific to the institution where they were obtained and may not reflect the results achievable at other institutions.
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