Artifacts in Histological and Cytological Preparations

In histological and cytological terms, an artifact can be defined as a structure that is not normally present in the living tissue. In some situations, the presence of an artifact can compromise an accurate diagnosis.
The aim of this publication is to promote an awareness of the various artifacts which may be encountered in histopathology, to provide a guide for their recognition, to explain their causes and to suggest, where possible, the means by which their occurrence can be avoided.
Learn more about:
- Prefixation Artifacts
- Fixation Artifacts
- Tissue-Processing Artifacts
- Artifacts of Microtomy and Section Mounting
- Staining Artifacts
- Section Preservation Artifacts
- Artifacts in Frozen Sections
- Artifacts in Bone and Calcified Tissues
- Artifacts in Resin Sections
- Histochemistry, Immunohistochemistry and Hybridization Histochemistry
- Miscellaneous Artifacts
- Artifacts in Cytological Preparations
- Common Artifacts
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About the presenters

Geoffrey Rolls is a Histology Consultant with decades of experience in the field. He is a former Senior Lecturer in histopathology in the Department of Laboratory Medicine, RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia.

Neville J Farmer is a former Manager of Anatomical Pathology at Dorevitch Pathology in Victoria, Australia.

John B Hall is a retired Senior Scientist in the Anatomical Pathology Unit, Alfred Hospital in Victoria, Australia.
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