Characterization of the Pancreatic Tumor Microenvironment using Novel Quantitative Multiplex DSP

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a highly aggressive disease associated with poor outcomes. So far, the factors and pathways underlying patient survival in PDAC are unknown. However, the location, number, and characterization of immune cells that infiltrate PDAC tissue provide crucial information.
In this webinar, Dr. Dana Adel Mustafa, assistant professor and group leader of the Tumor Immuno-Pathology (TIP) Laboratory at Erasmus University Medical Center, shares how using the GeoMx® Digital Spatial Profiler (DSP) to measure PDAC tissue samples can reveal the key immune-related players that drive survival in PDAC patients. Mustafa explains how this technology enabled high-plex proteomic analysis of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded samples with spatial resolution. Mustafa also shares that higher B cell infiltration in PDAC tissue samples is associated with higher infiltration of T cells and higher antigen presentation, resulting in better prognoses.
학습 목표
- Learn how to extract the maximum information using the minimum amount of samples
- Understand why we need more than just numbers to tell the whole story
- Appreciate how precise tissue navigation leads to precise medicine
발표자 소개

Dana Adel Mustafa is a biologist and a cancer researcher at Erasmus medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. She mainly studies two of the most deadly cancers: pancreatic cancer and brain tumors. Her research aims to reveal the immune regulation and infiltration in various types of cancers. In addition, her group focuses in identifying circulating biomarkers for detecting the response to therapy. She is interested in cancer metabolism, and in connecting the metabolic and genomics maps. She has been using various -omics technologies to identify the new prevention targets. Following by the state-of-the-art organ-on-a chip and organoid models to validate the usefulness of the new discoveries. Working with and for people like patients and students is dr. Mustafa's drive. Therefore, she became an assistant professor and a group leader of the Tumor Immuno-Pathology (TIP) lab in 2017. She became a member of a big consortium of Oncolytic Viro-Immune therapy (OVIT) to create new therapeutic options for cancer patients. Dr. Mustafa strongly believe that we can make progress in the battle against this disease by extensive collaboration between various people, disciplines and institutions.
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