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Digital Pathology

Focus on Experience

Adopting digital pathology is complex, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. Leica Biosystems can clarify your organization’s path to digitally driven discoveries or diagnostics. Our world-leading, modular technology is supported by experience with thousands of Aperio Digital Pathology implementations worldwide.

The Leica Biosystems Difference in Digital Pathology

Confidence Starts with Image Quality

Outstanding image quality is essential to achieving optimal results, whether you are physically looking at a slide or viewing an image on screen. Leica has a 150-year heritage bringing imaging innovation to market, as evidenced by our patents and our products.

See for yourself

Digital Pathology - Confidence Starts with Image Quality

Integrate for Success

Every organization’s transition to digital is unique, but there are constants. Easy to achieve? No. Achievable? Absolutely.  From secure software integration, to forging partnerships among pathologists, laboratory professionals and IT, there are critical steps to success. Let experience lead the way.

Explore the Leeds Guide I

Explore the Leeds Guide II

digital pathology

Advancing Cancer Diagnostics, Improving Lives: Pathologist & AI - The Perfect Partnership?

Whole slide imaging, digital pathology and artificial intelligence are expected to transform the practice of pathology, improve patient outcomes and augment experts’ skills. Learn how pathologists are designing their future.

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Digital Pathology Advancing Cancer Diagnostics Improving Lives

Solutions & Products

Aperio Clinical Solution

Aperio GT 450 DX, eSlide Manager with WebViewer DX and LIS Connectivity

With excellence in image quality, intuitive, integrated software, and enterprise-level security controls, the Aperio Clinical Solution is proven digital pathology positively impacting the efficiency and effectiveness of the anatomic pathology workflow.

Aperio Clinical Solution Web Banner 1920x575

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Scanning is the first step in digital pathology; put your best foot forward.  From translational research to routine diagnostics or AI development, there is an Aperio scanner for every need.

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Effective image management and automated system's communication are essential for digital pathology success. Secure, scalable solutions with flexible deployment options enable anytime, anywhere access to your slides.

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Educational Resources

Getting Your Laboratory Ready for Digital Pathology

Digital pathology implementation is a multifaceted project. This webinar will focus on the effect digital pathology can have on your laboratory and provide practical guidance to help with a smooth transition, from selecting a scanner to workflow implications.

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The Digital Pathology Implementation Journey – 20 Years of Insight

Join us in this presentation as we look at steps necessary for implementing digital pathology successfully and confidently into your organization, including stakeholder involvement, deployment diagrams and implementation, plus network considerations and storage needs.

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COVID-19 and the Rise of Digital Pathology

Watch this fascinating webcast on digital pathology in the time of COVID-19 and glean knowledge from questions asked by your colleagues and answered by pathologists.

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*The original content is in English. Please check with your region for availability of content in your local language.