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Leica IP S Inkjet Printer for Microscope Slides

The Leica IP S imprints slides in only four seconds per imprint when running in serial mode. A resistant ink, specially designed for Leica Biosystems, makes imprints durable to chemical exposure and physical wear. Whether alphanumeric characters or 2D-Datamatrix barcodes, the print resolution is always satisfactory with good legibility. Barcode imprints enable laboratories to track specimen throughout the complete histology workflow. It also permits reliable archiving with quick and accurate case identification. An optional external magazine helps to automate the slide sorting process to avoid specimen mix-ups.

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Product Features

Barcode printed slide

Barcode-printed slides used for tracking support the reduction of human error through automation and traceability.

Barcode printed slide

Ink-jet technology

The Leica IP S slide printer uses a resistant ink that prevails against the chemicals used in your histology laboratory. The imprint on each slide remains readily identifiable throughout the histology process and storage period.

Ink-jet technology

Batch job printing

Batch job printing: 4 sec. per slide (two-line printing). Single-slide printing: 10 sec. per slide; for high throughput and optimized workflow.

Batch job printing

Automated unload station

The optional unload station holds up to 110 slides, automating the manual slide sorting process and helping to avoid sequence mix up of printed slides.

LIS integration

Designed to be used as a centralized single-user, or multiple-user PC workstation, where several printers can be connected to one PC.




Drivers Archived




Configuration 1 (149IPS00001)

  • Leica IPS - Modular Histology Slide Printer 100-240 V/50-60 Hz - including software package: Desktop dongle, Automation Easy and HistoPal
  • The Leica IPS ink-jet printing module is designed for high-throughput histology slide printing at superior, chemical resistant printing resolution and therefore unmatched printing quality and flexibility.
  • The system is tailored to release lab technicians from time-consuming manual slide labelling work to optimize your lab running costs.
  • Possible integration in Windows based LIS through Windows compliant printer driver.

Leica IP S Parts Accessories