The Catania Digital Pathology Workflow Routine, AI and Remote Working
About the presenter

Dr. Fraggetta is the Head of the Pathology Unit at Cannizzaro Hospital (Catania), which is one of the few fully digital labs worldwide. He is also a Consultant at Gravina Hospital in Caltagirone. Dr. Fraggetta is Vice President of the Italian Society of Pathology and Chair of the Scientific Committee of the ESDIP (European Society for Digital and Integrative Pathology). He is also a member of SIAPEC (Italian Society of Anatomic Pathology and Cytopathology), and in 2018, he founded DIGIPAT (Digital Pathology Section of SIAPEC) . Dr. Fraggetta is in the editorial board of the Journal of Pathology Informatics, and has authored more than one hundred peer reviewed papers in the field of surgical, molecular and digital pathology.
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