Leica Biosystems Expands its Dual-Retort Tissue Processor Portfolio in North America with HistoCore PEGASUS
Solution enables laboratory managers to optimize their tissue processor workflow.
NUSSLOCH, GERMANY, FEB 1, 2022. Leica Biosystems is proud to add a new offering to its dualretort tissue processor portfolio: the HistoCore PEGASUS is now available in North American geographies.
Building on more than 15 years of experience with the HistoCore PELORIS tissue processor, the new HistoCore PEGASUS will enable mid-sized laboratories to run multiple protocols in parallel on a single instrument, offering lab managers a solution that adapts to their workflow needs.
In Histologic Fixation and Sample Processing, Freida Carson suggests that the biggest problem when processing tissue is processing both biopsy and large routine tissue specimens in the same processing run1. This can lead to under- or over-processing. In an ideal scenario, biopsy and larger sample tissues would be processed separately using a protocol specific to the specimen.2
With the addition of the HistoCore PEGASUS tissue processor to the dual-retort portfolio, Leica Biosystems offers laboratory managers across all laboratory volumes a scalable solution to establish a workflow that meets the demands of their laboratory, ensuring optimal conditions for each tissue type with optimized footprint, reagent consumption and hands-on time.
“We are excited to add to the strength of our tissue processing portfolio with the HistoCore PEGASUS. It brings important benefits of the HistoCore PELORIS to mid-sized laboratories, strengthening our position as a full-service provider,” said Christine Munz, Vice President of Core Histology at Leica Biosystems.
The HistoCore PEGASUS is now available in North American geographies, with other locations to follow later in 2022.
Note: For In Vitro Diagnostic Use
About Leica Biosystems
Leica Biosystems is a cancer diagnostics company and a global leader in workflow solutions. Only Leica Biosystems offers the most comprehensive portfolio that spans the entire workflow from biopsy to diagnosis. With unique expertise, we are dedicated to driving innovations that connect people across radiology, pathology, surgery and oncology. Our experts are committed to delivering Improved Quality, Integrated Solutions, and Optimized Efficiencies leading to breakthrough advances in diagnostic confidence. Our mission of “Advancing Cancer Diagnostics, Improving Lives” is at the heart of our corporate culture. Visit LeicaBiosystems.com for more information.
1 Carson, Frieda L.; Histologic Fixation and Sample Processing; https://webapps.cap.org/apps/docs/store/PUB123_Histologic_Sample.pdf; 2015.
2 Bancroft’s Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques: Expert Consult ...https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=FoOn7il3yqcC&oi=fnd&pg=P A105&dq=best+clinical+practices+for+tissue+process ing&ots=r0XVsnlBtv&sig=pA5WbFh5tNHaeTfNvlJ9xgo 8Nxg#v=onepage&q=best%20clinical%20practices%20 for%20tissue%20processing&f=false