Challenges During the Implementation of a Digital Pathology Workflow - Becoming Fully Digital at IPATIMUP

There is evidence that in-silico reporting represents an advantage in the diagnostic process. To obtain diagnostic level WSI for primary observation is a challenge that must be accepted by all pathology laboratories.
In this presentation we explore how to reach the fully digitized status using the example of the Pathology Laboratory of IPATIMUP, Porto, Portugal.
About the presenter

Dr. Catarina Eloy is the Head of the Pathology Laboratory of IPATIMUP/ Researcher at i3S/ Affiliated Professor of Medical Faculty of The University of Porto. She is also the former President of the European Society for Digital and Integrative Pathology and Vice-president of the Portuguese Society of Anatomic Pathology.
Dr. Eloy received her MD in 2003 from the Medical Faculty of The University of Porto with a specialization in Pathology
Dr. Eloy has been a researcher since 2006 at the cancer signaling & metabolism of i3S/Ipatimup and received a Ph.D. in Thyroid cancer in 2012 by the Medical Faculty of The University of Porto.
Dr. Eloy has 70 publications and three academic and scientific awards/distinctions.
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